5 Benefits of a Lactation Consultant

Women holding and playing with her baby

Breastfeeding is not as easy or as simple as you might think. When you’re a new mother, there are lots of things about breastfeeding that may come as a surprise to you. You may find yourself struggling with certain parts of it. This is where a lactation consultant can be really helpful. Lactation consultants are experienced professionals that help mothers with any difficulties they may have while breastfeeding. Here are just a few reasons lactation consultants can be a huge asset.

1- They’re the best source of information

Contrary to popular belief, breastfeeding does not necessarily come naturally to all women. For some women it does, but for many others, breastfeeding can take time and practice. It takes time to learn

  • how to hold the baby as you breastfeed,
  • how long you should breastfeed for,
  • how to look for little clues your baby gives to you, and
  • how to figure out what works for you.

A lactation consultant can help with all these things.

Usually, lactation specialists have years of experience helping women with breastfeeding. There is almost nothing they haven’t seen or come across. This makes them an invaluable source of information. You can ask them anything from minor to major concerns and everything in between.

2- Consultants have great tips, hints, and tricks

This is the kind of stuff that you won’t read about on the internet. Experienced lactation consultants are able to pass along valuable tips to help mothers deal with the less glamorous aspects of breastfeeding. You can discuss any concerns you may have which can include

  • breast infections,
  • tenderness,
  • milk production issues, and
  • weaning.

3- Their job is to help make your breastfeeding experience as enjoyable as possible.

Breastfeeding is an intimate act of bonding between mother and baby. Yet, sometimes it can take a few days or weeks to get the hang of it. The good news is that lactation consultants tend to be extremely patient and provide as much encouragement as you need. They’re there for one thing and one thing only–to help you. If you’re a new mom or this is your second, third (or fourth!) baby, their only focus is to help you have the best experience possible.

4- Provide natural remedies

Engorgement of the breasts, tenderness, and clogged ducts are all part of breastfeeding. A lactation consultant can provide natural, easy remedies to help alleviate discomfort. As a breastfeeding mom, many medications will be unavailable to you (because they can pass to your baby through breast milk). Lactation consultants can speak to you about natural remedies that help get rid of your discomfort while still being safe for the baby.

5- Consultants are important for specific problems

Sometimes a specific problem may arise which makes it really important to get in touch with a lactation consultant as soon as possible. That includes issues like:

  • Latch-on problems or slow weight gain
  • Physical or developmental problems
  • Premature infants or multiples

In cases like these, it’s vital to get some professional help. Trying to muddle your way through tough situations on your own may become frustrating for both you and baby.

Breastfeeding is not always simple or straightforward. Although it is a rewarding experience, it may also come with challenges and frustrations. Having a lactation consultant to help you navigate some of the trickier parts of breastfeeding is a great way to get through any of the rough patches you may experience.

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