Nondisplaced vs Displaced Fracture

A bone fracture is a medical term for a broken bone. A nondisplaced fracture occurs when a bone cracks or breaks but does not split apart, while a displaced fracture refers to a complete break that causes broken portions of the bone to partially or completely separate [1]. The most common causes of bone fractures are hard falls, car accidents, and traumatic sports injuries. Fractures are also described as open or closed. If a broken bone pierces the skin, it is called an open fracture. If the break does not pierce the skin, it is called a closed fracture. If any type of fracture is suspected, seek treatment right away.

Main Differences Between Displaced and Nondisplaced Fractures

Many people experience a broken bone at some point in their life. The most frequently diagnosed bone injury is a distal radius fracture, which is a crack or break of the bony projection near the wrist [2, 3]. This type of fracture affects both adults and children, and may be nondisplaced or displaced.

Nondisplaced Facture

Nondisplaced fractures do not cause the bone to become misaligned and are typically closed. This type of fracture is often referred to as an incomplete fracture because although the bone is cracked, the bone is not completely broken [1]. Due to the incomplete nature of the break, nondisplaced fractures usually only require a cast, brace, or boot, along with physical therapy.

If you experienced a nondisplaced fracture, physical therapy is an important part of your recovery process. If you choose not to receive therapy, you may experience stiffness, mobility problems, or other long-term complications. However, if your next question is “can a nondisplaced fracture become displaced?”, the answer is no, but you may hinder your recovery by avoiding physical therapy.

A health professional may recommend wearing a cast or boot for up to six weeks, during which the muscles surrounding your fractured bone may shrink or become weak. When the boot or cast is removed, a physical therapist can help ensure that you will regain strength and mobility in the injured area so that you can return to normal activities.

You can also help accelerate the bone rejuvenation process and strengthen bone tissue by taking nutritional supplements. Forte Fracture Healing Supplement is formulated with protein, vitamins, and minerals that target damaged, inflamed bone tissue by providing amino acid building blocks, such as L-arginine, L-lysine, L-proline, and taurine, as well as copper—nutrients the body needs to generate new bone [4-6]. Amino acids promote the production of collagen and other important proteins that influence bone development [4, 5]. This blend of amino acids also supports enzymes that disrupt abnormal inflammatory responses [5].

In addition, Forte Fracture Healing Supplement supplies the essential vitamins, D3 and K, which direct calcium to your bones [6]. It also contains key vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, and E, B-complex vitamins, iron, zinc, phosphorus, chromium, and more. These vital nutrients support optimal blood flow to the fractured bone and minimize abnormal levels of inflammation [6]. Taking a nutritional supplement reinforces your natural recovery from a nondisplaced fracture and helps minimize your risk of future fractures by enhancing the structural integrity and health of your bones.

If you experience a displaced fracture, treatment is more invasive, but your body will still benefit from taking a potent dietary formulation, such as Forte Fracture Healing Supplement.

Displaced Fracture

Displaced fractures occur when a bone partially breaks or completely breaks and shifts out of alignment. A mild displaced fracture is often closed, as it does not pierce the skin. A severe displaced fracture may be open, which is also known as a compound fracture, when the break protrudes through the skin [1]. Another severe type of displaced fracture is a comminuted fracture, in which the bone shatters into several pieces.

A displaced fracture has to be reset or realigned by a doctor through a closed reduction procedure or an open reduction. A closed reduction refers to manually realigning the bone without surgery. During an open reduction, an incision is made and a doctor uses surgical tools to realign the bone. Additional devices such as wires, pins, or screws may be used to secure the bone. Similar to treatment following a nondisplaced fracture, physical therapy is required to promote proper healing, restore strength, prevent joint stiffness, and regain full range of motion [1].

It is important to remember that optimal nutritional health also bolsters and helps accelerate the body’s natural recovery process [4]. Without ideal nutrient intake, your body will not get the building blocks it needs to generate new bone tissue [4]. Forte Fracture Healing Supplement is formulated with essential nutrients that reinforce strong bones and robust bone tissue.


  1. Torrens C, Corrales M, Vila G, et al. Functional and quality-of-life results of displaced and nondisplaced proximal humeral fractures treated conservatively. J Orthop Trauma. 2011;25(10):581-587.
  2. Caldwell RA, Shorten PL, Morrell NT. Common upper extremity fracture eponyms: A look into what they really mean. J Hand Surg Am. 2019;44(4):331-334.
  3. Meena S, Sharma P, Sambharia AK, Dawar A. Fractures of distal radius: An overview. J Family Med Prim Care. 2014;3(4):325-332.
  4. Meesters DM, Wijnands KAP, Brink PRG, Poeze M. Malnutrition and fracture healing: Are specific deficiencies in amino acids important in nonunion development. Nutrients. 2018; 10(11): 1597.
  5. Torricelli P, Fini M, Giavaresi G, Giardino R. Human osteopenic bone-derived osteoblasts: Essential amino acids treatment effects. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol. 2003;31:35-46.
  6. Karpouzos A, Diamantis E, Farmaki P, et al. Nutritional aspects of bone health and fracture healing. J Osteoporos. 2017; 2017: 4218472.

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