Our Mission
We use nutrition to supplement both life's happiest and most difficult moments. From joy of having your first (or second) child to the despair of a dream crushing bone break, we have a solution for you.
"The importance of nutrition is often times lost in the long process of injury recovery"

Co-founder Dr. Kirt Kimball has been the primary orthopedic surgeon for the Brigham Young University football team for almost 20 years. In this capacity, he is responsible for facilitating the recovery of injuries that occur. In 2014, one of his 5-star players fractured his spine. The fracture was not displaced. It did not require surgery. It would heal with a back brace and time. All he really had to do or could do was wait and watch. But the pressure was on. How could Dr. Kimball get this athlete better faster?
After exhausting multiple resources that included reviewing the orthopedic literature, opinions and thoughts from his peers with healthcare disciplines including fellow medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, and others. He also began an exhaustive search in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals and even hired a medical student to help him with the research. What Dr. Kimball learned was that indeed there are a number of nutritional elements that can and do facilitate fracture healing.
He created a long list of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids that literature supported as potential augments to fracture healing. Dr. Kimball sent his assistant off to the pharmacy and supplement stores along with a credit card to purchase all the items he needed. She came back with a shopping bag full of stuff and spent about $400.00 and still didn’t have everything on the list not to mention the redundancies and deficiencies with each product.
Clearly, there was a need for a high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade product tailored to meet the needs of patients in specific clinical situations.
Further research demonstrated that nutritional science has far outstripped healthcare workers’ ability to apply its principles. Clinicians are left without an effective and efficient way to integrate nutrition into their practices and into the lives of their patients. In most cases among the practice of health care, knowledge regarding the science of nutrition is rarely applied. Instead, patients are encouraged to eat a well-balanced diet. The assumption is made that over time, diet alone will suffice.
This assumption fails to fully meet the patients’ needs. It leaves them vulnerable to the effects of nutritional deficiency, and he realized that there was something that he could do about it. From that realization, Forté Elements was born.

Scientifically Proven
In addition to these efforts, Forté advocates for an industry-wide movement toward Mediceutical certified products. Unlike traditionally available nutraceuticals, this new Mediceutical category will designate products that use only scientifically-proven, non-synthetic, pharmaceutical grade components that are produced in FDA-cleared manufacturing facilities.

Taking care of your body
Forté’s innovative and effective products enhance the body’s ability to prepare, recover, and revitalize while targeting a multitude of clinical scenarios. Products designed for acute conditions target the nutritional needs of circumstances such as trauma, surgery and childbirth. We generate products that support patients with chronic issues such as heart, disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease or undergoing chemotherapy. Forté also has a line of products that cater to elite athletes and high impact lifestyles such as police, fire, and military personnel. Our line of products address essential nutritional needs for several situations.

Introducing Mediceuticals
Forté fills the gap between traditional pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements with a new category of products we call Mediceuticals. Mediceuticals are developed using peer reviewed scientific research and FDA-approved manufacturing processes. Unlike other supplements, Forté’s products are designed by leading healthcare practitioners to support specific health conditions. Our design process does not rely on anecdotal reports but uses evidence drawn from leading scientific journals.

Building Bridges
In healthcare, distinct divisions arise between providers of traditional medicine, chiropractic medicine and alternative and naturopathic remedies. Forté’s approach builds a bridge between these branches of medicine and creates a productive dialogue and alignment among all providers. Forté advocates for providing trusted, reliable and effective nutritional support for patients, thereby increasing the effectiveness of all their therapeutic and medical treatments overall. We believe that we can improve the entire ecosystem of health and healing.