Category Archives: Bone & Joint Health

10 Tips for Reducing Joint Pain

Joint health is a critical part of our overall health. Optimal joint health leads to a better quality of life. However, poor joint health causes a lot of discomfort and difficulty. Joint pain and stiffness can be disheartening and overwhelming. Thankfully, even just minor tweaks to your lifestyle can have a positive impact. Your joint […]

The Best Diet to Follow While Healing From a Fracture

Fractures happen, and they happen often. Each year, around 6 million people will break a bone in the United States. Whether a minor fracture, like a hairline fracture, or a major fracture, the recovery can be tedious. It can take weeks—even months—to fully heal. As overwhelming as that can be, there is something you can […]

Women and Aging: The Effects on Bone Health

Hormones. They seem to be to blame for a lot of problems. During menopause, your hormones change. These changes in hormones can cause hot flashes, mood changes, sleep difficulties, memory lapses, hair loss, and weight gain. However, one of the most concerning effects of hormonal changes is the change in bone density.  Why does menopause […]

What is your job doing to your joints?

Work and Joint Pain

Around 150 million people in the United States have a job—sales rep, engineer, nurse, retail manager, cashier, accountant, waiter or waitress, teacher, construction. And joint pain can affect every single one of those 150 million hard workers. No matter the job. However, joint pain especially targets jobs that involve manual labor. Here is a good-sized […]

What is causing your joint pain?

Joint Pain causes

Throbbing. Aching. Dull pain. Sharp pain. Whether you’ve had joint pain for one week or one decade, it’s dreadful. It affects your day-to-day activities. And as long as you have it, your quality of life seems to decline. Your routine changes, sometimes your hobbies change, and it just puts a wrench in your comfort. If […]

7 Potential Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Over 30 million Americans live with osteoarthritis. It is now the number one cause of disability in the United States1,2. Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear of the joints that happens over time (and usually affects older individuals). Those who suffer from osteoarthritis may have one or more of the following symptoms: Pain This is […]

Why Your Muscles Need Some Quality TLC

When was the last time you sat down and thought about your muscles? Probably not anytime in the last few weeks, months, or even years. In fact, most of us don’t consciously think about our muscles. They’re a functional part of our body that lets us walk, run, sit, and stand. But muscles are more […]

What You Should Know About Plantar Fasciitis

If you sit down and place your feet together then flex your toes upwards, the slight pull that you feel at the soles of your feet is a band of tissue called the plantar fascia. It connects your heel bone to your toes. When the plantar fascia is strained, it becomes weak, swollen, and irritated. […]

Have joint pain? 4 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Joint pain is a complex topic that covers everything from shoulder injuries to arthritis. It can be a harmless condition that resolves quickly, a joint infection, or a long-term problem like osteoarthritis. In general, any sudden onset joint pain (especially those with no obvious cause) should always be seen by a medical professional as soon […]

Desks Jobs and Joint Pain: How to Deal

If you work a desk job, you are probably familiar with the aches and pains that come from sitting all day. Back pain, neck or shoulder tension, headaches, or knee issues are common conditions associated with prolonged sitting. Steven Conway, Ph.D., a chiropractor and attorney in Wisconsin, and a spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association, […]